I am so concerned about the Temperature of my x86 Ultra. In my country the PC processor temperature gets up to 75 degrees for each core before the fan starts cooling. I tried using third party software like SpeedFan http://www.almico.com/sfdownload.php which only displays the temperature as very hit but cannot control the fans, You can also feel the hotness by touching the official metal case. Are there no way to manually control the fan? Do not like my PCs to go beyond 50 degrees at least 57 Max. I also can't access BIOS since mine freezes when I select any icon like the SCU(Topic for another thread).
Well those options are in the bios/UEFI, you can download the manual from here: https://www.udoo.org/docs-x86/Hardware_Reference/UEFI_Firmware.html You can try to update to the latest version to start with
Can you help on how to update? I downloaded file via link UDOOX86_B02-UEFI_update_rel106. Is that the right one? For the mean time. today I thought of cooling this way for now which keeps temperature at 45 degrees. till I sort this update out.
Release 106 is the latest one so that is correct. The instructions are in the PDF from the download. If you run it from Windows be sure you run the update command as administrator (right mouse button click, run as administrator) else it will fail.
Does anyone know what the dB rating for the x86 12 Fan is? Will this work on my UDOO x86 Advanced Plus system? https://www.amazon.co.uk/HA30101V3-...BA+Vapo+SUNON&qid=1564933109&s=gateway&sr=8-1 - Thanks for any help offered
Yes it will work with an adapter cable: https://www.udoo.org/forum/threads/how-to-fan-adapter-cable.7081/ I have no idea wat the original dB rating is. But you can set the speed to low as possible as full speed will be hardly needed.