Hi, this is not the "standard" fan noise thread. I have something else. When the fan is starting something is generating some noise (immediately before the fan starts spinning and continues thereafter). It sounds a bit like a broken relay or something? I am not an electronic engineer. I changed the fan but the noise is still generated so it must be something on the circuit. My current fix is to just let the fan spin heavily which is not as annoying as this sound How can I fix this?
If you unplug the fan connector and still hear the noise, I suspect it comes from the motherboard's switching power subsystem. <-- (if that is the case) bless your good hearing. Usually the switching power supply operates above 10 or 15 KHz which is above the human hearing limit
Are you sure its not the wirings of the fan which is resting on top of the blade that is making that noise? When I got my new bolt, I experienced this. So I removed the board from the chassis and placed the wires on the side of the fan instead of on top so it does not interfere with the spinning blade.
I just wish the case is slightly bigger so I can fit 25 mm thick fan when I'm sitting in discord people keep asking me what is that fan noise