Hey guys I've finally managed to get Minecraft Server working. I think some of you alredy did this but for the ones who don't know how here I am . I'd like to thank freedomotic for writing how to install java on Udoo. The post is this one below: viewtopic.php?p=2997#p2997 So let's get started. That's what you need: 1. The lastest version of Minecraft Server with the .jar extension and you can find it here: https://minecraft.net/download ; 2. The lastest version of java. To install it follow the post above; 3. A Minecraft account (not necessary but let's make thing legal here uh?). Let's get to the point now. I'm going to explain how to create a private Lan server and not one which can be shared since I didn't get it working really sorry about that. 1) create a folder where to place the minecraft_server.jar 2) move to the folder where the minecraft server is placed and start the server by using that command Code: java -Xmx256M -Xms256M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui 3) customize the file "server.properties" with your stuff (like "online-mode=false" ) If you encount any problem change the value of 256M to 128M (I know that's a bit low but I'm actually using a minimal os so I have a bit more ram to use than a full desktop environment). And that's it actually. The last step is to get your Udoo ip and to connect to it with your Minecraft client. If you encounter problems about bad packets try to update your minecraft server and your minecraft version or the java version, since I had problems with both of the things. That guide is aimed to use the lastest version of everything (java and Minecraft 1.7.4). TODO: -Create an automatic script which allows you to change the memory before running the server and then to start it (working on it with python; looks good so far but not sure if it's going to work); -Get someone external to the LAN to connect to the server; -Autostart on the boot. Any help / suggestion is accepted
Now trying to get working this version of the minecraft server: http://mc-server.org/ I can actually compile that since there's already a pi version but it gives me an annoying error which crashes the server. The error is pretty random since I could play like for an hour and no server crash or I could play for 5 minutes and the server crashes. Gonna report it to the developers.
The script for the dedicated ram via python is working actually but it's really basic for McServer I'm still working on it.
Just keep on working on this, there are people interested in it. I'd like to try this out myself in the near future. I once tried a minecraft server with the RPi, but quickly had to learn its capacities is just not enough. Now Udoo seems to fit somewhat better because of multi-core and more RAM.
Thanks Decion also got working Mc-Server. It's a really good alternative but the animals and mobs are pretty different than the normal server ones. Also encountered a bug where I could use raw meat as a crafting bench lol. Gonna wait for an update.