"No device found on ttyUSB0" (or COM3) *solved*

Discussion in 'Arduino IDE' started by schmidtbag, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. schmidtbag

    schmidtbag New Member

    Dec 14, 2013
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    For a while, I've had an issue trying to upload code to the Due portion of my UDOO due to that SAM-BA error. Once I found out about the bossac patch, I found that I can't upload code... at all. Because there are no LEDs for the Due half, I can't tell if it's dead or not. As far as I'm concerned, there's no reason for it to be dead, I haven't done much other than connect an LED to pin 13 and that's it. For some side notes:

    * I supply a dedicated power source to the board. If I connect an LED to the 3.3v pin and plug in the board just through USB, I noted the LED will not power up. If I give an external power source, it will power up. Should the LED power up through just USB?
    * I have removed the J18 jumper
    * It doesn't work in either Windows or Linux
    * I added two buttons, one for clear memory and the other for the arduino reset. I'm not sure if the arduino reset is set up properly; I have one pin going to reset, the other going to ground. Is that wrong? Anyway, I tried holding the following procedure:
    1. Hold clear
    2. Hold reset
    3. Release clear
    4. Release reset
    5. Upload code
    but this procedure didn't work. I'm not sure how long the wait is between steps 4 and 5 (if there is one at all) and I'm not sure if there's anything else I'm supposed to be doing.

    Any advice on this matter? I've owned this UDOO for maybe 2 months now and have not yet been able to successfully upload a code.

    On a side note, it seems to me the "native port" on the UDOO isn't set up the same way as it is on the original Due. In linux, it creates an ethernet device that is unable to establish a connection, and in Windows I can't get drivers for it at all. In both OSes, there is no serial connection. I heard that supposedly some people who have this "no device found on <port name>" can use the native port to upload code.
  2. schmidtbag

    schmidtbag New Member

    Dec 14, 2013
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    Re: "No device found on ttyUSB0" (or COM3)

    I'd like to point that that the 3.3v pin seems to be giving out more like 4v (however, the 5v pin is a solid 5v). This is a bit concerning to me.
  3. schmidtbag

    schmidtbag New Member

    Dec 14, 2013
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    Re: "No device found on ttyUSB0" (or COM3)

    I tried booting the ubuntu disk image and try uploading an arduino code from there. It seems to work fine now, including on the external PC. I've noticed once in a while uploading code from the PC fails, and whenever this happens, the arduino software on the UDOO fails to upload code too. The fix to this is to simply reboot the UDOO, or to completely unplug it.

    Overall, it seems you'll have a much better user experience running everything directly on the UDOO.

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