Hi, I bought the Global Sat ND 105 C GPS USB Dongle for use with my Quad, but when launching the You Are Here GPS app, It won't find the position. 'Not Fixed' at Latitude, Longitude and Accuracy. Any Idea how to fix this issue? Thank you guys!
Try this : https://github.com/dipcore/gps-glonass-android-driver For me working without using You are here GPS app.
thank you! where exactly does the usb dongle mount? I copied the armeabi gps.default.so into the lib/hw folder, added the lines to the build.prop file and set the baud rate to 4800. Can't set the name as I only got the Vendor ID and Product ID.
''ls usb'' in terminal app or ADB.... If not working i'm afraid you should make this: http://www.udoo.org/forum/threads/usb-gps-working.2522/ If you want to try i can share my img which working with sata as data partition.
did that before, and I am only getting Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0424:2514 seems like there is no driver loaded for the device? I will give it a shot, as I don't have a SATA drive connected your image won't work?
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_pdsOc8n4l8YVFWMldDbk9NbXM/view?usp=sharing Working only with SATA drive.
Hello idorel77 I estadocon the ROM you've shared (android_4.4.2_gps_touch_sata), but the GPS does not work me, Android does not detect it. The dongle with which'm testing is the "GlobalSat nd-105c". Do you have any idea because it can be, or if I'm doing something wrong? Thank you very much.
Hi @mdcostas did you modify build.prop as your gps needs? you should find wich port and baud rate your gps need and then modify buld.prop. you can test your gps on linux , i think is easy.
Hi. Thank @idorel77 I'm trying to modify the file with RootExplorer, riding with permissions R / W and after all I keep writing and tells me that the changes have been saved, but if I open the changes have disappeared. I also connect from Putty but can not find any editor with which to make changes (nano, vi, ...) How do I edit that file?
With this app not let me, but you have activated the option "ROOT Access". But in the end I got the app "BuildProp Editor" (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jrummy.apps.build.prop.editor&hl=es) and it works perfectly. Thank you very much!
How to Make a GPS App and Don't Get Lost in the Process There have been times when we were afraid to get lost in a strange city or had difficulties looking for a certain place, whether it be a store, restaurant, or something else. Today these problems are in the past, and we owe it all to our mobile devices. To be more specific, we should thank the geolocation feature which not only simplifies our lives in many ways but also allows us to strengthen our business, you can read more here