I am trying to program the SAM3X externally using the Arduino IDE on a Windows7 system. When uploading I get the error "No device found on COM3". I have: connected a USB cable from the external computer to the Udoo serial port removed the J18 jumper connected the Udoo power cable installed the Arduino IDE 1.5.6-r2 replaced the bossac.exe under ...arduino/hardware/tools installed the CP210x usb to serial converter (and this shows up in my device manager under COM3) in the Arduino IDE I have: selected Arduino Due (programming port) as the board selected COM3 as the port verified the code (it is an example) Now, when I try to upload there is no device found. I am not sure what else I am missing. Any suggestions???
What version of Arduino Software are you using, where did you download it from? When you open Arduino Software, go to Preferences, it should show the location of preferences.txt Why don't you attach it to you post, so that other Windows Arduino users can compare for you? Have you tried using Putty to connect? if yes, whatever COM you connect on you can try in Arduino.
I'm using Arduino version 1.5.6-r2, which should allow for use of Due and, according to what I've read, work with the SAM3X. I haven't tried using Putty. I'm not sure what that is but I'll look into it. preferences.txt board=arduino_due_x_dbg browser.linux=mozilla build.warn_data_percentage=75 console=true console.auto_clear=true console.error.file=stderr.txt console.length=500 console.lines=4 console.output.file=stdout.txt editor.antialias=true editor.caret.blink=true editor.divider.size=2 editor.divider.size.windows=2 editor.external=false editor.font=Monospaced,plain,12 editor.font.macosx=Monaco,plain,10 editor.indent=true editor.invalid=false editor.keys.alternative_cut_copy_paste=true editor.keys.alternative_cut_copy_paste.macosx=false editor.keys.home_and_end_travel_far=false editor.keys.home_and_end_travel_far.macosx=true editor.keys.shift_backspace_is_delete=true editor.languages.current= editor.linenumbers=false editor.tabs.expand=true editor.tabs.size=2 editor.window.height.default=600 editor.window.height.min=290 editor.window.width.default=500 editor.window.width.min=400 export.applet.separate_jar_files=false export.application.fullscreen=false export.application.platform=true export.application.platform.linux=true export.application.platform.macosx=true export.application.platform.windows=true export.application.stop=true export.delete_target_folder=true last.ide.1.5.6-r2.daterun=1394053473 last.ide.1.5.6-r2.hardwarepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware last.screen.height=1050 last.screen.width=1680 last.serial.location=906,63,663,378 last.sketch.count=0 platform.auto_file_type_associations=false preproc.color_datatype=true preproc.enhanced_casting=true preproc.imports.list=java.applet.*,java.awt.Dimension,java.awt.Frame,java.awt.event.MouseEvent,java.awt.event.KeyEvent,java.awt.event.FocusEvent,java.awt.Image,java.io.*,java.net.*,java.text.*,java.util.*,java.util.zip.*,java.util.regex.* preproc.output_parse_tree=false preproc.save_build_files=false preproc.substitute_floats=true preproc.substitute_unicode=true preproc.web_colors=true programmer=arduino:usbasp run.display=1 run.options= run.options.memory=false run.options.memory.initial=64 run.options.memory.maximum=256 run.present.bgcolor=#666666 run.present.exclusive=false run.present.exclusive.macosx=true run.present.stop.color=#cccccc run.window.bgcolor=#F0F0F0 serial.databits=8 serial.debug_rate=9600 serial.parity=N serial.port=COM3 serial.port.file=COM3 serial.stopbits=1 sketchbook.path=C:\Users\Stephen\Documents\Arduino software=ARDUINO target_package=arduino target_platform=sam update.check=true update.id=3149852430145882133 update.last=1393974757052 upload.using=bootloader upload.verify=true
Same problem with external PC running Linux. I patched "bossac" tool in Arduino IDE from UDOO download site. I found a workaround for programming DUE chip: 1. Close J18 and connect PC to CN6 2. Connect power to UDOO board 3. Hit any key in serial terminal (115200baud) to stop uboot 4. Remove J18 5. Close J22 (ERASE) for 1sec 6. Close J16 (RESET) for 1sec 7. Upload Arduino sketch 8. Goto 5 I was looking to the schematics to figure out how the ERASE and RESET signals are handled from the external PC but failed. Does anybody can explain me how the ERASE and RESET signals are handled from the external PC connected to CN6?
Its working here for me, not sure what can be failing for you, I went through the same steps. J18 is pulled, USB cable connected to CN6, selected Arduino Due programming port on COM3. I did have to reboot my Windows 7 machine after installing the USB driver and also power cycle the udoo in order to get it to work. I'm able to see text output printed from a sketch in the serial console as well.
I had the same trouble. I try to patch the bossac.exe and it doesn't work. I keep the patch and I follow the next tutorial : http://www.elinux.org/UDOO_programming_the_embedded_Arduino_microcontroller part : Using Arduino IDE without UDOO patch You must follow all the step of this part. It works fine, I can upload sketch and run it correctly on UDOO board. Good luke. Enjoy!
I vaguely recall reading somewhere that the UDOO needs to be booted up in to an OS in order for you to be able to connect to it in the way you are trying. I have a spare UDOO here and I just tried powering it up with J18 disconnected and no micro SD in the slot to boot from. My Win7 PC finds the COM port just fine, but when I try to upload to the Arduino it says "No device found on COM6". So I would say verify that your OS is booted up properly. What OS are you running? EDIT: I tried booting up a spare micro SD card I have of Linaro Ubuntu 12.04. It hangs during boot and still Arduino IDE is unable to connection. But when I try with my primary UDOO (running the same OS, booting properly) I have no problems. So make sure your OS is up and running first.
Hello, I got UDOO Quad. I am trying to program it externally using PC(windows 8.1) using Arduino IDE(version 1.5.4). I did patch up and connected UDOO(CN6) to my PC using micro usb with J18 unplugged.When I try to upload basic Blink code it is displaying the error "SAM-BA operation failed". When i deleted the cygwin1.dll file from" C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools " and trying to upload the code it is not displaying the errors but the code is not uploading.
Hi there all, this should solve your problems: http://cdn.udoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/UDOO_Starting_Manual_beta0.4_11_28_2013.pdf (page 25)