udoo arduino compiled file is messed up

Discussion in 'Arduino IDE' started by pavan4, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. pavan4

    pavan4 New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I am using the SAM to power ws2811 pixels. If I use the neopixel library or the fastled library and compile it on the UDOO (both are supposed to work with DUE) the pixels don't work. I have to compile it on the external computer and upload it onto the SAM.

    Even after that I can't get the code to work properly. Is my board faulty or the connections improper? The exact same code and connections work fine on a DUE or UNO. I tried level shifting using the 74hct245. None of them work. It is extremely frustrating to use the neopixels with the UDOO right now.

    Does anyone have a clue how this is working or did anyone try this before?
  2. peter247

    peter247 Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    If it works on the Due , and the code is compiled on a external computer and upload it onto the SAM , I can`t see why it shouldn't work.
    I know people have problems with code not working on the Due , because of it different libraries or voltage levels , but can`t see why the Due works and the udoo doesn`t , both are 3.3 volt logic and using the same library .
    The only difference I know of is with pull up resistors on i2c.
  3. pavan4

    pavan4 New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I don't know why. I connected 160 pixels and the last 40 pixels flicker horribly with both the libraries (adafruit, fastled) If you compile it with the native ide they don't even work. If I compile through an external computer they work but there is flicker. I thought it is the level shifting problem and added the level shifter as well, but it did not help. I took the videos of the flicker and contacted the daniel garcia (author of fastled) he said he will try to get hold of an udoo. I have 6 neopixel shields from adafruit working perfectly fine with UNO, duemilanove. One of the neopixel shield doesnt work when connected to the UDOO, the 5 rest are fine apart from the flicker. I do not have an logic analyzer to check if the timing is being messed up. I am at the verge of giving up.
  4. peter247

    peter247 Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    When you say :-

    The Due do you mean a Due or a duemilanove ? .
    Because a duemilanove , uno , mega is completely different to the Due which is Arm based
  5. mkopack

    mkopack Member

    Jun 14, 2013
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    Yeah, worst thing they ever did was name it the Due when they already had a Duemilanove which most people called a Due for short.... UGH! CONFUSING!

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