Hi everyone As a relative Linux noob, I tried installing XBMC as a package in Ubuntu 12.04 desktop last night. Immediately there were dependencies that I did manage to resolve but when I got to the final step of 'apt-get install xbmc' terminal told me that a bunch of dependencies were uninstallable. Is there any pro around here who can give step-by-step instructions on getting xbmc running within Ubuntu. I just don't want to use a pure XBMC image on my quad when there are so many other things I want to install to run in the background besides XBMC itself(such as Sickbeard,Headphones,Sabnzbd,Couchpotato etc.)... Any direction would be greatly appreciated here!
Hi, I want to do the same thing, I want to use ubuntu funcionalities and XBMC, but every time I've tried to install it retuns with boken package
At this point in time I have seen no evidence that Udoo Linaro is able to effectively support video from web browsers, XBMC, VLC or the like. I am interested in employimg. Udoo as a media centre. I do remain confident that this will happen but first I think time will be needed for this platform to mature. Also I need to educate myself so I can contribute.
I'm looking for the same thing. Stephan Rafin made a great xbmc image on udoo and the new udoobuntu seems very great. It would be good if the two distribution work together.
Someone had success on install XBMC o the UDOObunto, I've tried to install, but I cant run it. Thanks