Since I bought my UDOO Quad, I was disappointed with the performance, comparing with the videos showed in UDOO site. Yesterday, I saw the video where UDOO is presented using UDOOBuntu and I installed UDOOBuntu. But the diference of performance comparing what I saw in the video, with what I get running UDOOBuntu in my board, is ridiculous. All menus open very, very slow, even the WiFi or Calendar. The Arduino IDE tooks almost 15-20s to open. It tooks almost 2 minutes to upload an empty sketch to arduino. Where could be my performance problem? The examples in the videos were using SATA or SD card? Thanks by the help.
The example in the video were using SD card. I think it's the best way to increase your UDOO performance.. Try it!
We use Class10 microSD cards which are way more performant than the regular Class4, give it a try and let me know.