Hi all, After burning the image to my quad per the instructions, all its doing is booting to the OMV command line. Any ideas would be appreciated. TIA
Re: Open Media Vault - NAS Operating system - no NFS?? Hi all, the OpenMediaVault is great but lacking one importing thing for linux users: NFS support! I did not understand why I was unable to mount an NFS share from a linux client until I tried to restart nfs on the OpenMediaVault UDOO. While doing this I got the error [warn] Not starting NFS kernel daemon: no support in current kernel. ... (warning). Does anybody by chance already compiled a new kernel (or the missing module) ??? Is there any instruction on how to do that? Greetinx, Steve
@Steve1965: I used the Manual http://udoo.org/download/files/Documents/UDOO_Starting_Manual_beta0.4_11_28_2013.pdf to compile the missing modules I needed (NTFS and TUN). It's descrpied there in page 11 - 13. After compiling, you can skip the part with a new File System and U-Boot in the instruction. You only need to copy the new Kernel Image and the new moduels to your exsiting sd card image.
I'm having a similar problem with NFS. I checked the configuration and NTFS was enabled as a module. Can you provide more information about the TUN module and where I can find it in the configuration tree? Sorry, probably a newbie question, but I cannot get NFS to work
@udoo_juergens: Thanks, it worked! btw, great nickname ;-) I found another website with a detailed step by step description on building a new kernel. Perhaps it's gonna help somebody else as well ... http://joshua.solanes.us/software-devel ... -the-udoo/
The Openmediavault system has been working great for me except in trying to assign the eth0 I/F a static ip address. I can do it from the web interface or directly in /etc/network/interfaces... When I reboot the system, sometimes I can repair it and sometimes it refuses to boot at all. Am I the only one having this problem or is everyone using DHCP? Any help would be great... I've had no problems with any other images, just Openmediavault. I've tried a USB drive and also tried with just a second ext3 partition on a 16 GB sd. Thanks, -dude It's in the menu & works fine. I was trying to change to static via /etc/networks/interfaces with no luck, but works fine with the Network Settings! -dude
I'm having a fixed IP address and I don't have any problems with it. I did the same as you did, I changed /etc/network/interfaces. I replaced everything concerning eth0 by: Code: auto eth0 allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet static address gateway netmask mtu 1500 dns-nameservers This works fine for me ... not having any problems.
Did anybody of you guys ever tried to integrate seafile in OMV (it is somehow like ownCloud) ? I succeeded to build it but I'm having problem to integrate it into apache2. Apparently there is no libapache2-mod-fastcgi available for our UDOO board.... ?
Apple Filing on OMV for UDOO I've been unable to enable the Apple Filing - AFP Service. My OMV install does not recognize a HPF+ file system which I believe you must have to use for Time Machine. What, if any additional modules need to be installed? I'd really would like to use OMV for a Time Machine. Apple OS X 10.9. Please help me out if you have any success with this. Thanks, John I'm still having problems with OMV recognizing HFS. Can't use OMV for a Time Machine. What add-ons, if any, do I need to apt-get install to get this Apple Filing to work? :?: Any help would be greatly appreciated! John
this is the reason that got me into udoo, a small NAS with arduino DUE capabilities. all i got to do now is to save money for an udoo
Has anyone had any issues with updating the software after writing the OS to a MicroSD? My UDOO Quad boots fine the first time after writing the card but when I try to update the system, my UDOO freezes half way through. After that I'm lucky if the system boots after a power cycle. Usually have to rewrite the OS back to the MicroSD. Updating via terminal does the same thing. Any help would be appreciated!
Hi I have installed OMV on a SD card and all is working However Im trying to install some extra plugins Pyload and eXtplorer, when I try to upload the deb file via the web interface it doesnt do anything and extracting the deb into root from a ssh breaks OMV ( I think it messes up the permissions and owner) I also tried to add the files manually into the various folders but that didnt work either. Could someone point out the errors of my ways thanks
Hi. At the moment I'm setup with OMV with raspberry pi. Running two drives as mirror raid. Raspberry pi is a bit slow. So planning to swap it out for udoo quad. My question is. If I put a new copy of OMV on the udoo will my raid partitions be automatically recognised. Or what I the best way of migrating hardware but keeping my files in raid. Thank you in advance
Does anybody know if NTFS file system is now supported by OVM? I'm setting up a NAS in home, I have 3 HDs to share; one is old and just 240GB I formatted with FAT32, but the other 2 are 1TB of capacity. I would like to keep the other 2 with NTFS, but I can not mount them using OVM. Thank you very much for any help you might provide. Best Regards, Guile
Hi, I've created a working OMV version for UDOO Quad with FUSE module (so NTFS support) using this image: http://sourceforge.net/projects/minimaldeb/files/Open Media Vault Udoo/Quad/ and then following this guide: http://joshua.solanes.us/operating-system-2/linux-os/2013/12/01/custom-kernel-on-the-udoo/ Basically the procedure is: Burn the image http://sourceforge.net/projects/minimaldeb/files/Open Media Vault Udoo/Quad/ and boot your UDOO with it apt-get update apt-get install git build-essential wget (and maybe some other packages, but anyway I think you should guess which are missing as you get errors) Create a new ext4 partition on your SDcard since the empty space of the original image it is not enough for the following steps (at least 2Gbyte are required) Mount new partition in /media/data cd /media/data mkdir src cd src git clone https://github.com/UDOOboard/Kernel_Unico kernel-unico cd kernel-unico wget http://joshua.solanes.us/downloads/.config make menuconfig FUSE module is already activated, anyway you can decide which other module you need, I left everything as it is make -j5 uImage modules cp /boot/uImage /boot/uImage.bak cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /boot/ make modules_install cd /usr/src/ && rm linux ln -sf /media/data/src/kernel-unico linux (the partition /media/data should be always mounted, so assure to have it in your /etc/fstab file) reboot Honestly I wrote these procedure by heart, but I am quite sure that this is the procedure that I follow, in case it doesn't work I can check it again... I was thinking to make a fresh installation since I messed up my OMV trying to install Zoneminder so I could take note of each steps while I'm doing it.
After a day of investigation I found a procedure to install OVM 1.0.32 on UDOO, I've prepared a detailed guide here: http://www.udoo.org/forum/how-install-openmediavault-from-scratch-t1964.html
Is maybe missing TUN module for OpenVPN? From log: Note: Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such device (errno=19)