How to install apt-get git gcc etc in UDOO Neo Qt5.6 EGLFS image and i am not able to install qt5 in udoo neo please help me
Does these image contain any gui? or atleast can you provide me some small steps to load qt5 framework for development.
is Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout - 66 channel w/10 Hz updates - Version 3 compactible with udoo neo if yes then how to connect?[ATTACH]
I want to get the velocity of the vehicle. and what about tachometer for engine rpm ?
In udoo neo which sensor should i use to build a digital speedometer in udooubuntu or how to build a speedometer using udoo neo what sensors i...
hi @modjo can you share me the code in which you have used the acceleration in yocto using qt5
lvds7 not working with udoo neo. I use standard 12v power supply shipped by As i connect...
Thank you i guess i can start with the actual application with the above information. Let me know after you complete with the lib.
Hi @modjo what library did you use to make magnetometer/gyroscope and acceleration work in you previous project demo(cinema) build using qt5 and...
I guess i am having some technical issue with lvds7 so i guess iam not able to boot the image using lvds
I dont I dont have serial console
is there anyway to set device tree in uEnv.txt its still not booting lvds7
Ok no issues and thanks for providing me the image. I actually want it to boot with lvds7 and not with hdmi.
# Environment script for the UDOO Neo board # save this file with unix-like newlines! (\n, 0x0A) # Enable or Disable the Cortex M4 CPU #...
I used gedit using ubuntu 14.0
# Environment script for the UDOO Neo board # save this file with unix-like newlines! (\n, 0x0A) #save this file with unix-like newlines! (\n,...
How to change the default hdmi to lvds7 i tried uEnv video_output =lvds7 but still its booting with hdmi
Thank you very much for providing me the image.
will it run on udoo neo? does it have support for qt5 application development?
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