PROJECT=imx6 ARCH=arm SYSTEM=udoo make image No need for -j12 - build system automatically use all the cores on a system.
If anyone still using Udoo for Kodi:
Anything on serial console?
In your case you need to use /dev/sdc - not sdc1. sdc1 indicates first partititon. Be sure that this is your sd card!
Try with udoo_qd_defconfig.
Because this file doesn't exist. Only mx6qdl_a62_android_defconfig. Maybe this is the one.
Can you share a sample to test? Btw: I already have Krypon working and will share image when I find some free time.
You need to build libreelec - you can't just combine different parts together :) At least different kernel must be used than what is included now.
There is no build for it.
Of course they are called UPS. But those powerbanks are much smaller opposite to UPS.
To bad that powerbanks can't be used when charging.
Maybe but u-boot bootloader for udoo is missing there. You need to put this 2 packages to folder...
I think the latest version of OpenELEC is 5.95.3. But with recent split of OpenELEC team I joined to LibreELEC fork and made LibreELEC 7.0.0. In...
With just unplug power you can't shutdown anything - there is no time. But with some battery back up you could send shutdown signal to udoo which...
Wandboard has Android 6.0.1. It takes ages to compile :)
If anyone is still using Udoo for this purpose here is the image. With very limited support. Two known bugs: 1) it doesn't work with some TV's (no...
Maybe ram problem? Is there something like memtester for imx6?
Seems this u-boot doesn't find any sata device: U-Boot SPL 2015.10-00062-g8af36f3 (Mar 08 2016 - 16:53:02) U-Boot 2015.10-00062-g8af36f3 (Mar 08...
As per instructions you write it to start of sd card - and not to partition. And in this image is no partition only bootloader.
Separate names with a comma.