Can you ping the Udoo's from your Imac? There are lots of Ubuntu/OSX ssh troubleshooting guides on the internet.
For sending data out the best way is using the Linux side. Most likely the Arduino shield you want to use needs a library that is not supported by...
I do not think someone has a repair service for these boards. This is a too niche SBC. You could try to ask Udoo if they can repair it (with costs).
That is not so nice.... What did you already do: 1. Use another monitor? The Udoo UEFI is rather picky with resolution, perhaps your monitor...
They did not answer yet or they could not help you?
did you see answer nr 49 in this thread about disabling emmc?
If you plan to use a lot of boards it is wise to check out the website as seco (owner of Udoo) also makes industrial versions of these...
For interrupt examples check Arduino documentation
I am not familiar with EAPI so I suspect you already checked that EAPI cannot handle interrupts. If you can convert the 3V signal to a keyboard...
So how is this question related to your other one here?
According section 2.2 of the Udoo Bolt user manual downloaded from Operating...
If you bought a new Bolt i dont see why you should update. The Bolts are shipped with the latest BIOS firmware. But if your bios <> 1.08 then you...
[ATTACH] See picture above for the LEDs and button. Also note the Bios UEFI reset switch on the bottom. If that switch is in the wrong setting...
Blinking led in the middle is Arduino led. You can ignore this one for the moment The udoo board status led is on the left back corner giving...
I have the same housing and fixed the 2 antennas on the outer side on the bottom of the dark grey part.
Could be that you suffer from this Ubuntu bug: Can you attach your...
Both wifi module have known issues with older Ubuntu versions. But 20.04 should work. Still check for UEFI update, it will also help with other...
So what wifi module do you use now? What is written on it?
I am sorry, I thought I read in another thread you did not know what kind of Udoo X86 you had and it was a Kickstarter model. As these were the...
If it is an second hand board then first update the UEFI firmware. It will also reset bios settings....
Separate names with a comma.