For red border connect with adb adb shell setprop persist.sys.strictmode.visual 0 adb shell setprop persist.sys.strictmode.disable 1
Hi, for the first boot is posibile to run slowly , but efter reboot that should work fine. If the problem continue , you should install os again.
Unfortunately is almost dead. My sugestion is to flash android and than install gapps again. You can try with this: .
Hello, Because , Primiano don't have time for the moment to add suport for sata, i decided to try myself. Thanks to Primiano for Links and help....
Sweeet :) Thanks vpeter.
Hello, i can't find my external hdd on /mnt/media_rw/udisk. What can i do? Thanks
ok, this is also for android? Thanks
Hi Andrea, "Regarding the Kernel compilation, tomorrow I'll provide you some useful link" where is the link ? :)
Hi, ... om_sources
Please liten again , is a big noise. If you look on the video is 2 moments wen i put the mic from mobile near the board. You don't hear only if...
I attash the movie. ... sp=sharing Ok, not explode , but sound like... If is condensers can be change...
Hi , from 2 days i have some noise from udoo , from hardware, is like something is under pressure and can explode in any second. Have anybody...
Teroretics i know what the app do. The other solutions is to add parameters manualy, but is not working. I try it to add parameters with echo...
Hi Andrea , i don't agree with you . I'm not a programmer but i can compile. To compile a kernel you need some linux command. I insinst becose is...
'' I suppose no since in case you would not ask here for help.'' Look on the forum . ''Just get the calibration app sources and study it if you...
I tired . Some people don't get the point. Udoo is open source board not a tablet. If you sell udoo you have to know something about software....
Hello, i have egalax touch screen to and i compiled android from source. The intruction for compiling android is not coplete. The touch is...
I use Ubuntu 12.04 , and i compiled android 4.3 without errors. Yes i followed the guide. I try again.
i use same sistem i used for compiled 4.3 and works fine. I use a virtual mashine with 50 GB space and 2GB ram. Need more ram? Thanks
Hi , i try to compile 4.4.2 and i have some errors. target SharedLib: libwebviewchromium...
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