Updated to Beta 1. Dtweb is still untested.
I'm working on that on my spare time. I have most of the stuff working, we just need to finalize the new virtual serial port between A9/M4. If you...
Android 7.1 is a work in progress (there is no ETA yet). Ubuntu 16.04 is almost ready, we just need some testing before releasing it.
Our build machine has Ubuntu 16.04 64bit. It builds everything without issues.
You need a uUSB to USB adapter (OTG adapter). Memory sticks, keyboards, etc. are working for me.
Hi Florian, the pull request was closed since I was not able to reproduce the bug (actually UART6 is working for me). I have asked a way to...
USB audio support is partial in Android. I have started working on that, but I have got other things to do. /etc/audio_policy.conf misses usb in:...
setprop persist.udoo_enable_adk true
Hi. Source code is here: https://github.com/fmntf/appinventor-sources/tree/udoo-neo Flash this sketch on the M4:...
I have some kind of App Inventor working for Neo (the stuff on my github is only for Quad/Dual). BTW I am currently home with flu. I think I will...
That's a different thing. Let ntp some time to sync the clock. Without the proper date set, SSL certificates cannot be validated. If you have a...
Which is the error? Your iptables chain is just empty.
That was my fault. Fix is already pushed to github and packaged. I have sent the updated .deb files to the guy who manages our repo. In the next...
Wireless modules were missing, sorry! If you have an USB ethernet adapter / Neo Full owners, please run: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade...
I have reproduced the issue. I will look at it asap.
Please send me the full sketch source code and also the /data/m4last.fw sketch. I'm sending you my email address privately.
Sorry, run "su" before that command and grant the permissions.
Does /data/m4last.fw exists ? Please run "logcat | grep M4" on the serial port or the terminal app in Android and post the log.
Oh, I have forgotten to port RNDIS over USB to systemd! Try to run "/usr/sbin/g_multi.sh" on the tty console. Don't know if will work, btw.
That "wlan-en-regulator: disabling" looks really suspicious. We have to understand the reason the kernel is powering-off the device. Wlan is...
Separate names with a comma.