Ubuntu 16.04 is alpha. If you want something stable I recommend you 14.04 and try bootchartd.
Oh man, you are asking us something which is illegal. We can't just do that!
Hi guys, please open different thread instead of a big one with different problems. Otherwise it quite hard to reply. USB connections works...
The only thing that could be done is to test the voltage over some known points. For this, schematics and PCB placement planes files are your...
Hi damoreluc, so you have just changed SD card in order to boot properly? A few seconds are necessary for the login console to appear. If you want...
Thank you guys for the all tests you did! I have fixed it in git. On Wednesday when I'll be back we will release it on the apt-get repo.
First you need to find that file. For example run: find /usr | grep m4uploader in a terminal. The open the file for editing: sudo leafpad...
Currently I have no board to test the fix with, otherwise I'd tested by myself .
Again, there is *no* video encoding/decoding hardware on UDOO Neo.
You are right, udoo-web-conf is not installed by default on the minimal! However you can install it using `apt install udoo-web-conf`.
You can use the web configuration tool to configure the Wi-Fi.
Could you please try to add a "sync" between lines 154 and 155 in udooneo-m4uploader?...
Thank you for the report, I will download the video and investigate.
Ciao, io non sono riuscito a riprodurre il problema del riavvio. La toolchain che stiamo usando è in effetti vecchia, ma è quella ufficiale di...
Hi. BSP_HWTIMER1 is used to implement micros. Using it compromises micros(). As an alternative, you can use the yield() function in the sketch:...
Hi, did it work? :-)
Please could you try to boot without the HDMI cable connected?
Hi. Yes, this is a work in progress. udooneo-m4uploader is being ported to Android (it already partially works), udoofota will be too. This week I...
Hello. I'm sorry you have got troubles using your board. However, you are not even specifying which Android version you are using. You are talking...
It's hard to say without looking the code carefully (and I did not do that). One simple thing is to do `meld linux-3.14/drivers/mmc/core/sd.c...
Separate names with a comma.