Hi, i would like to know on schematics for lvds connector (see picture under) what is the pin that enable backlight (i suppose pin 20 BL_ON) and...
use quilt to do that. For example, if you need make a patch for the kernel go to...
I have some questions about the script in qt5-layer in meta-udoo. In fact, they have a qt5-env.bb that make some tests to write or not some export...
tested and worked on neo , just an issue sith openssl : [1206/114254:ERROR:cert_verify_proc_openssl.cc(238)] X509 Verification error unable to get...
Ok i will try to post it this week ... Also can you describe your procedure to build Qt5.8 on udoobuntu --> it could be interest some users ...
About your installation of Qt, did you install a complete version of Qt (5.6/5.7 ...) or just Qtcreator (if you have just qtcreator it's normal...
You need to configure your mobile device in qt creator to deploy directly in the card ( no need to use scp or cp to copy the bin in the card)....
Hi ! If you want to use qt5.7 with udoo card, the easyiest way is to use yocto (if you don't need a desktop like udoobuntu). See the first two...
It's a problem with the last build of meta qt5, try to add linux-oe-g++ in Qt mkspecs (option/kit for your card) [IMG]
@cyrilf , yes the first error in your precedent post is because you don't build all the module (plugin) needed by webengine ... For information,...
If you just want to use gstreamer you can test yocto (see yocto thread on this forum). I have made some test with it and it work fine !
Yes i know that QWebkit != QWebengine. The example that i compile is based on webengine and work fine on my card. Did you try to build the example...
@cyrilf ,@graugans after a test to ping google i saw that i have a problem with DNS resolve name --> If i try ping it works ! after that i...
@cyrilf i'm looking about your problem but i think is not a problem wit Qt. Webengine and webkit work fine with Qt5.7 on my udoo quad but the page...
Hi cyrilf, can you precise here how you have added ntp to yocto please ? I'm also interrested by this please ? Otherwise, for can and spi i have...
Sorry to can't help you but i never use android on this board. Perhaps @Francesco can help you ?
@graugans , after some test this morning (i also tested your build on udooQdl), the result : - uart debug is working on secoA62 and udooQdl...
I talk about uart debuging ... but today i will make some other tests.
Ok this worked fine. The card boot fine on hdmi. When i try to use lvds7 (configure with uEnv.txt), the card boot on hdmi. It seems that the...
yes it seems u-boot is missing ! I bitbake u-boot (works fine) and relaunch udoo-image-qt5. The build is complete now. In the folder where is the...
Separate names with a comma.