yes, this is that i have on : # This requires the meta-qt5 layer in your bblayers.conf !!!! # source:...
yes i update my git from yours yesterday.
@graugans, the build work fine but the last operation with wic fails, this is the log : ERROR: udoo-image-qt5-1.0-r0 do_image_wic: Function...
it seems to be ok now, build running ...
@graugans , i'm trying to build an image for secoA62 with your news update but i have this error when trying to fetch freescale firmware :...
@graugans , could you just precise the version of Qt you deliver here (i suppose is Qt5.6 --> krogoth branch) and the modules integrate for new...
Yes, don't forget to add the module in .pro file when you want to use it (widget, network ...)
Good news !
Nice work Graugans, i will test this week (if i have the time) a build. Could you explain how to use the new tool wic please ?
It's strange, i don't have this problem to fetch it ... The link seems to be correct !
Ok i'm looking for your example. Otherwise i have found that on the net
Hi all, i need to build a lib --> openZwave (on the card, in my case udooqdl) libudev.h. I have this error during the build :...
@cyrilf , did you resolve your problem with Qt ?
@cyrilf , yes you need to source the environnement to avoid the error with cmake. Did you configure your mobile device (in qtcreator) to deploy...
Find a solution about sdk here
Ok, i'm very disappointed with this problem ! I didn't find any things to help ...
@cyrilf , did you try to build qt5 sdk ?
I'm agree with Graugans, it could be great if you can use gitHub and fork your image from graugans repositories (i have just create mine yesterday...
@graugans and @cyrilf the build work fine for me with the default branch for udooqdl (2015.04.imx)...
@graugans, for the moment i'm using secoA62 machine to try to resolve the issue with sdk !:confused: i make an image for udoo-quad on thursday...
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