Perhaps you can already control with an oscilloscope what you have all the signals. I think you have a problem with your hardware ...
Hi @graugans i have 2 anothers questions, i would like to add a ftp server on my image (for quad), i didn't find anything on it for the moment....
No, you can't do this ! this signal is emit in this slot (checkMessages) --> you create an infinite loop ! The signal is emited automatically when...
Yes and sorry for that but we are in final :D
After a check; yes this package is already install : lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0
Can you deploy the app on the card ? did you test the com with Qt creator like that : [ATTACH]
...good question, i will check ...
Yes you can use button to create connections (signal and slot) with the methods. In the debug you will see some messages.
It 's an issue with upload, perhap's you already have an app already running with qtcreator on neo ...
Hi all, under you can find a link with the class i use with Qt (i use a yocto image, thanks to @graugans works !) QNeoSensors This works is...
I didn't rewrite QserialBus, it just to show you how i use this class with QProcess to use CAN on NEO. And yes you could create a new project with...
see after a class that i create to use CAN on NEO : QCan.h and QCan.cpp Let me know if it can help you
This morning i'm trying on another pc (under kubuntu 14.10) and i have this message on arduino ide 1.6.9 :...
Hi all, i make a try this evening to program the sam3x on udoo quad with arduino ide (from external pc). I follow the tutorial here but arduino...
@Sassus-Barouda, with linux and socket CAN you cannot configure the bitrate... with qt, you need to do that before on a shell (or with QProcess)...
Nice work, especialy for debugging ! but how you connect your Jlink probe on jtag header ? Because on the official doc they don't precise the...
Nice work @waltervl ;)
@Agustin Lagos and @waltervl , i made some test with interrupts and have the same result, if i use CHANGE in the mode, i have a compiler error :...
Thanks Waltervl, i didn't see this post ... i will make some test and let you know in the thread that you mentioned.
Thanks for your answer ! For the moment i have resolve my problem like that --> I send all my data in a string terminated with a return carriage,...
Separate names with a comma.