Which .dts file do you use? I've compiled with imx6q-udoo-lvds7.dts (I have the 7" touch screen) : MAKE_JOBS=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor...
OK thanks. I'll try it.
No this isn't an issue. Does that kernel support bossac? I'd say, arduino programing?
Yes, I can log in using picocom at the same USB port:
I downloaded Arduino IDE 1.5.4 for Linux x64 here: http://arduino.cc/download.php?f=/arduino-1.5.4-linux64.tgz I downloaded the Bossac file for...
This is still an old 32-bits version of Arduino IDE. I'm trying to figure out how to make it work on my 64-bits computer. Hm there is even lib...
I did try to copy the bossac exec in my Arduino IDE (http://arduino.cc/download.php?f=/arduino-1.5-linux64.tgz) path but it doesn't work (Device...
OK thanks for this clear answer :) Is there a way to program the Arduino using Arduino IDE on Linux x64? I don't have UDOObuntu on my UDOO but a...
Hello, I would like to read the analog input from the CPU under Linux and I wonder how should I do this. I can see 12 analog inputs on the UDOO...
Yes I guess. I copied the executable inside <arduino_dir>/hardware/tools. There was no bossac exe before so this isn't really a "patch" that I've...
Well, I downloaded the Board definition "Arduino SAM Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M3)" so now I can select either "Arduino Due (Programming Port)"...
Hello, I'd like to program the SAM3x of my UDOO but I cannot figure which parameters should I use. I downloaded the last Arduino IDE and copied...
Just clone the patrykk's repository. Configure and build your kernel.
I pulled the last commits and compiled the kernel with the new DTS files. I do have the spidev1.0 and spidev1.1 devices in /dev now ! I'll try...
No idea how to enable SPI anyone ?
Hi. It means that you use the wrong ABI. The official toolchain provided here cannot compile some instruction sets. Try to compile with this one...
I've in mind this : &ecspi2 { fsl,spi-num-chipselects = <2>; cs-gpios = <0>,<&gpio3 31 0>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 =...
This a DTS file for an other board. There is no chance to have the same addresses or iomux.
Hi, I compiled the kernel 4.2 of patrykk from here : https://github.com/patrykk/linux-udoo It uses DTS file to manage the device tree but as you...
Separate names with a comma.