Dear sekarpdkt, First of all thanks you for your adapting your work to my request. I think that it's better to calculate a security distance...
I'm pleased to inform all that, using Udoox86 Ultra, Debian amd_64 9.0.1 Stretch xfce4 non free firmware, K3b 2.0.3 set to 2x speed, PIONEER Slim...
Dear sekarpdkt This is the version without SATA disk ?
Dear Maurice done, but FreeBSD is Unix not Linux :-) Perhaps I have found the problem: I have to create a personal /boot/loader.conf that...
Dear Maurice this are the identifiers of internal EMMC. I need to know the identifiers of SATA disk in FreeBSD style. Thanks for your answer.
Today I have successfully installed Slackware (slackware64-14.2-install-dvd.iso) with the xfce desktop in /dev/sbd/3 of SSD SATA disk in my...
Dear Maurice OK thanks again
Dear Jon West Thanks to your observation about the fact that the logo can stay up to 10 minutes I have reinstalled and I launched Android before...
Then Maurice you think that's better to remove the MicroSD when UdooX86 is off if you are not sure of the OS "behaviour" ?
Dear Jetguy OK: I wanted to be sure. Thanks for your answer.
I have used android-x86_64-6.0-r3.iso [correction =] Bliss-v7.2-android_x86_64-UNOFFICIAL-20170615-1518.iso Thanks again
Please I want to know if it's possible to extract the MicroSD when It's unused and unmounted and the Udoox86 is on ? (hot extraction, in italian...
Dear Jon West I thank your for your answer and I want only add that after the installation of bliss_android_x86_64 I have also tried the "lunch...
Dear waltervl thanks for your answer. Please I want to know from @Jon West if I have to "Create a small (100m) first primary partition for grub"...
Dear waltervl I tried installing in the internal 32GB EMMC Bliss Android bliss_android_x86_64 from USB key in legacy boot mode and it install but...
Dear Flint, I have successfully activated HDMI output for the sound in Udoox86 Ultra either in Debian 9 Stretch and Ubuntu 17.04. Now the sound is...
Premise that the Udoox86 Ultra board's architecture limits heat production and the large heat sink supplied is cooling properly I have to say that...
Dear Markus Laire thanks for your precious answer.
I have correctly installed Debian 9 Stretch in the M2 SSD and Ubuntu in a 64GB MicroSD. Now I want to install also FreeBSD 11 release memstick in...
FirstGenGeek ok. Thanks for your clarification. Can I replace plastic standoffs with metallic equivalents without risk for Electrostatic discharges ?
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