For controlling or troubleshooting i2c devices from the Linux shell, install the package "i2c-tools" if you don't already have it (apt-get install...
Try the SD image writes again, but to each SD card's root block device (of=/dev/sdb) rather than a partition (of=/dev/sdb1). In addition to the...
The bare board should pull between roughly 3.5 and 6 watts DC, or between 0.3A & 0.5A @ 12VDC, depending on its activity level. You can save a...
There are two USB host controllers, but one is dedicated exclusively to the USB OTG port, present on the micro-USB connector next to the console...
If BACKUP mode on the SAM3X proves too limiting, you can reduce the Atmel's power consumption to a lesser degree by down-clocking it and shutting...
An Udoo Quad probably isn't your best choice for this, because it has so much on-board hardware beyond what you need, and while efficient for all...
The 3V battery connects directly to VDD_SNVS_IN on the i.MX6 CPU, which runs only the RTC and a few registers. Either a lithium coin cell...
Try installing the 'sox' package (apt-get install sox). This includes a simple command-line 'play' tool which can definitely handle the old Sun...
The micro-USB connector (CN6) at the edge of the board supports only serial console I/O, nothing else - it's connected directly to an RS232-to-USB...
I've been using a Quad as my home firewall (as well as router, VPN tunnel host, Asterisk PBX for the phones, small file server, home automation...
orfeus, do you have the CN6 serial console connected full-time to a system that can log all received data? If not, this would be a good idea to...
One limitation I've noticed on the Udoo, at least when running a 3.0.35 kernel is that there is no SATA hot-plug support, despite the interface...
Porting another OS would be a huge undertaking, but if you want to explore that I'd suggest registering on the community forum at Freescale, maker...
Very nice! I have an Udoo at home which (amongst other duties) logs data from a small solar-power system, capturing serial streams from an...
Any current level rating above the minimum is fine. The Udoo I'm routing through right now is connected to 100 amp-hours of batteries, part of a...
To follow up, I think I've found and removed the source of these mysterious lock-ups. The Udoo in question has had a 16x2 text LCD attached to it...
Murat, those signal numbers actually look pretty good, so barring intermittent interference there's probably something else going on. Do you see...
How far is the Udoo from your wireless router or access point? I'd suspect a poor signal as the most likely culprit. Due to less than ideal...
Just one possibility, but if you're not currently using the Arduino-side SAM3X CPU for anything, try forcing it into RESET state, to ensure a...
All pins are 3.3V level, like an Arduino Due, whether they're being controlled from the SAM3X or i.MX6 CPU. They are *not* 5V tolerant, so you'll...
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