Try editing the file /etc/locale.gen, uncommenting the locale(s) you want to use by removing the hash marks in front. For example, I uncommented...
Re: Communication between arduino and linux (e.g. code block Here is a simple demo of reading a GPIO input in C from the i.MX6 side, using...
Unlike with the Pi, where a single audio device is toggled between analog and digital(HDMI), on Udoo the various sound outputs are independent...
The 3.3V rail is provided by a RT8287A switching buck regulator, which is rated for 4A max. From this you'd need to subtract the demand from 3.3V...
Udoo boards are not especially picky about input voltage, and don't require regulated +12V. I've operated them from batteries and solar power,...
I would first check your 4-pin Molex connector to ensure the two center ground pins are bonded together. It's important that everything have a...
Here is some C code I wrote for sending text to an HD44780 on the Udoo, which might be useful as a template for yours. Note the particular pins I...
It's more efficient to open the /dev/gpio/* files and write to them directly from your code, especially since you can hold the file descriptors...
If you're asking whether it's safe to write to GPIO outputs directly from the i.MX6 processor (Linux side) rather than the SAM3X (Arduino), that's...
It's probably the i.MX6 chip interfering, a consequence of both CPUs sharing pins. Notice the canonical name for this pin is EIM_A16 (address bit...
I meant to reply to this earlier, but was called away and forgot to. On Debian, possibly Ubuntu also, mkimage is in package "u-boot-tools" (yes,...
I use TXS0102 chips for bidirectional level-shifting of the I2C bus, where each pin must be both an input and output. A couple of MOSFETs and...
The IR LEDs and receivers from your link look fine. I don' t know the history of why 38kHz became a common IR frequency, and would be...
The line you want to change is the one beginning "console=", near the top. Try setting it to tty0 instead of ttymxc1, and remove the serial...
From the top of the kernel source tree, the compiled uImage should be under arch/arm/boot. This location is printed in make's output when the...
The i.MX6 chip's Ethernet controller is not capable of keeping up with full Gigabit transfer rates. Freescale notes this in their reference...
The IR receiver modules you link to look good. I'd go for the one that can be powered directly from 3.3V (3.3V - 5.5V range), to avoid any need...
There are two input-capture channels on the i.MX6 CPU, GPT_CAPTURE1 and GPT_CAPTURE2 (GPT = General Purpose Timer). Freescale's IMX6DQRM...
30mA is high for an indicator LED. I'd try for 10mA to start, or 20 at most. Different colors of LED have varying voltage drops and best...
Setting single-user mode (runlevel 1) kills all virtual consoles, both graphical and text-based, leaving you with a login shell only on...
Separate names with a comma.