You can switch pin-muxing states on the fly by writing directly to i.MX6 registers. See my earlier post at the end of this thread,...
NuttX ( will run on the SAM3X/Arduino side of an Udoo (using the "Arduino Due" build target), though it's a bit of work getting a...
I've never seen the Udoo itself pull more than 10W (0.83A @ 12V) at full load, so 2A total should be OK... but you don't necessarily want to be...
Below are some quick performance measurements for SATA HD vs. SD and USB-attached flash on the Udoo, using bulk sequential I/O to the raw block...
Using the i.MX6's watchdog feature requires both a kernel driver and a userspace daemon that opens the watchdog device (/dev/watchdog) and...
gpio122 is the signal controlling this. The "block diagram" is wrong about gpio7 (and also about the particular UARTs involved), but there's no...
Here's a simple X11 screensaver I wrote, basically a hacked-up version of an old and simple one called "Beforelight" from early 90s. Rather than...
Does a basic invokation of bossac, (e.g. just pulling up its helpscreen -- ./bossac -h ) work? If so, try installing 'strace' (system call...
avrdude only works for AVR-based Arduinos (Uno, Leonardo, etc.), not the ARM-based one built into a Udoo, which is modeled after the Arduino Due...
On J25, "DC In", positive is to the left (assuming you have heatsink & Arduino headers in front), next to the LED and fan headers, and closest to...
This is not true, at least not for the Udoo board version I have (Rev. D?). Try loading a simple LED-blinker sketch into the SAM3X, then doing...
Re: Arduino Shields Compatibility list: share your experienc That LCD looks like a common HD44780-type, which needs 5V power on its Vdd pin (and...
lokki, Komet -- please see this post: got-spdif-working-t1611.html
Re: Unable to download new sketches unless I enable/disable Oh, I didn't realize the Arduino IDE wouldn't even start for you. That could be a...
Below are proper patches against a clean kernel tree, which should be easier to apply. You'll stil need to turn on the "SoC Audio support for IMX...
I went ahead and did the mod for this, also patching the vt1613 analog sound driver to allow full use of the extra inputs-- see post9521.html...
These can be applied with "patch -p1 <filename.patch" from the top of your kernel tree. Changes include - added REC LEVEL control - added...
Re: Unable to download new sketches unless I enable/disable Automatic reset/erase of the SAM3X requires twiddling a couple of GPIO signals from...
The output side, at least. I haven't tried input/receive due to a pin conflict (more on that below). Anyway, here's how to enable it... STEP...
Hmm, what Linux distro are you running? I'm on Debian 1.1 here. The error suggests something else has already taken control of that GPIO pin....
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