If you need to be able to turn power off at any time without the risk of filesystem corruption, I'd suggest mounting the SD card read-only, using...
You can do basic PWM control (no interrupts) without a kernel recompile by poking the registers directly. Grab Freescale's reference manual for...
Another way to disable automatic X startup, from the command-line: sudo update-rc.d lightdm disable (assuming "lightdm" is the display manager...
I'd recommend downloading the schematics first thing, available here: http://udoo.org/download/files/schemati ... matics.pdf These contain a LOT...
For controlling it manually from the command-line, try this as root; # cd /sys/class/gpio # echo 4 >/sys/class/gpio/export # echo out >...
J4 supplies +5V power, so any fan you attach there must be built for that voltage rather than the more common +12V, and must also draw very little...
Relays tend to be power-hungry -- just keeping the coil energized could easily draw more current than what your display draws. Anyway, the UDOO...
One of the Freescale PDF documents (i.MX6 errata sheet?) mentions that the onboard Gigabit interface maxes out at about 450Mb/s. All I/O...
If you don't need the Wifi module, its 7-pin header can easily be used as a fourth USB port-- just skip pin 1 (closest to the rear of the board),...
I haven't seen any official numbers, but just to give you some idea, my udoo draws about 2.4W at idle when nothing is plugged into it other than...
Thanks for the follow-up, Peter. It's good to know for sure that gcc-4.8 is the culprit. I wonder where the best place would be to file a bug...
The network interface part of that Ethernet shield you have is not compatible without modification, and not suitable for router/firewall use even...
Re: getting i2c_1 working Ah, I'm still on the 1.0 release. Wonder if this is significant? I have 1.1 sitting on another SD card, but had...
Re: getting i2c_1 working Are you running Debian Wheezy? What output does 'gcc -v' give? Mine is $ gcc -v Using built-in specs....
I would put the chances close to nil, unless Microsoft somehow became interested in supporting this board (highly unlikely). Having a version...
There is a command-line programming tool called 'bossac' that comes bundled with the Arduino IDE, but doesn't require a GUI. This forum thread...
Re: getting i2c_1 working I'd go with Tom's suggestion also. It does seem like something might have become corrupted in your kernel source tree.
Re: getting i2c_1 working I built my kernel directly on the Udoo also. After working with some smaller ARM boards, it feels kind of luxurious to...
Re: getting i2c_1 working I'm still running 3.0.35, checked out from the git repository back in March or so... hope to try 3.10.17 soon...
Re: getting i2c_1 working I have the i.MX6's I2C1 (/dev/i2c-0, header pins 20-21) working under Debian Wheezy, and don't remember it giving me...
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