Can you provide more info to get a SSD setup to boot with the new 14.04 lubuntu image? I have tried using the older 12.0 to no avail.
Blu-Ray quality? How many streams?
Did you replace the SD card with a class 10 one?
AND, has any documentation to beat this UDOO into submission, been updated?
Also noticed with the Wi-Fi, err Network connections, under the general tab, the radio button for "All users may connect to this network" has to...
Also, getting a SATA drive to work, is the same as before? Use dd..... just with a different device?
I'm thinking new version of Ubuntu, needs graphical versions to set system parameters, like time zone, time, etc.
The antenna connector was added, yes. I'm not sure how to answer what mode the Wi-Fi module is in. I have done nothing special to configure it. I...
After adding an external antennae to my metal chassis that houses my quad UDOO, I get: Bit Rate=72.2 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm Link Quality=63/70...
Must start the boot process from the mSD card.
Can your friend let everyone else interested in USB GPS devices, know the steps needed to make 3rd party GPS devices work?
Looks like a 5v circuit.
I did, but from another Wi-Fi module that was junked from work. Remove the tiny resistor that is there, solder your new connector in place,...
Separate names with a comma.