There a quite few stability/reliability issues with Arduino 101 especially with i2c and wire libraries (some defects open for months) and there...
You would need to fix up the library to use a hw timer on the M4 side to get an accurate step interval.
If I were to take a cynical view then the remaining Arduino 101 Intel stock may have been shifted by including it in the UDOO's x86 given Intel...
Already commented on this, see third post. Nothing stopping anyone downloading the FreeRTOS SDK and starting to code.
The image you have using should work, as I mentioned in the other thread its easier to debug the problem by attaching to the uart console to get...
This occurs when NEO can't find valid image on the SD card to boot from and reverts usb boot loading.
Its easier to debug the problem by attaching to the uart console to get the boot output.
What your plans for the flight controller as the Ardunio doesn't seem to be the ideal h/w?
The udev rule should have replaced js0 with your joystick so you will need to debug why its not working. If you want to disable the...
Typo should be: KERNEL=="js?", ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="Logitech", ENV{ID_MODEL}=="Logitech_Cordless_RumblePad_2" , NAME="input/js0"
You need a line like this: KERNEL=="js?", ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="Logitech", ENV{ID_MODEL}=="Logitech_Cordless_RumblePad_2" , NAME="input/js3"
You need to add some udev rules for your joystick: First find the ID_VENDOR and ID_MODEL of the joystick (change jsX) eg: udevadm info -q all...
Your SDL is configured to run with Mir which won't work on the Neo. You would need to rebuild SDL2 from sources with something like the following...
Looks like joydev is adding the on board accelerometer/gryoscope (FXOS8700CQ/FXAS21002) as a valid devices hence js0. I would try jtest-sdl to...
Test your joystick is working by (need to determine the correct device jsX) : sudo jstest --event /dev/input/js0
I suggest you check if the following is created (I expect this is created on your desktop): /dev/input/js0
The display pcb hosts logic level converters (U2, U3) which make the connector pins 5v tolerant, although I can't be 100% sure I would expect the...
You will need a board with at least 2 ethernet ports therefore Uddo x86 may not be a good choice unless you wait for the additional ethernet...
One option would be to get the Linux Real Time patches applied to the kernel, see this link.
[MEDIA] Tiny NEO Scope is a very simple low bandwidth (less than 100Khz) oscilloscope developed to test the performance of the ADC (analogue to...
Separate names with a comma.