Ive added your quote to the main post, this is why I was hesitant to post this as I assume that it will break the warranty. Just be careful people...
Here is the modded bios for Udoo x86. Changelog: Changed AC1 55 value to 32 !!!!WARNING!!!! Improper Flash Can Lead To A Brick Udoo! Use At Your...
Try to push the arduino reset switch on the udoo when that message pops up. It's the button on top near the leds. The other issue is with linux...
I've edit the 55 value to be 32, can't really add any values since I'm hex editing the exe for settings.
My udoo mostly runs on the burst speed 2ghz-2.5ghz when I'm on Windows 10
Yet there is three holes for screws to go to :P
Dump it, used several programs to strip it and figure out where in hex to change the value and compile it back to the format and flashed it.
Ive modded the Bios to change the temp, changed the 55 temp for AC1 to 25. Now runs 100%
It's the one I got from their shop https://shop.udoo.org/usa/catalog/product/view/id/62/s/cpu-fan-for-udoo-x86-heatsink/category/15/ But im...
The size of the fan is a 30MMx30MMx10MM, also the fan use a different connector than what most fan uses.
Yea Figure that the sd card has to be in a VHD forum in order to run.
Windows 7 will NOT install to SD nor The nand on the udoo (IE eMMC). I just install win 10 since 7 would be a nightmare, also got a win 10 pro key...
Yep, does it say "PSM SRL" for package details. That what it said from me btw.
My fan did not come with screws, I supplied my own from other project.
@Laura what is the ETA for the 1.03 thanks :) This little board is AMAZING! Love it very much.
Got mine yesterday, haven't much time to play with it. But there is a bug with cpu fan turning off when running Windows installer.
I've preordered Oct and now shipping updated Friday yay.
Got a UPS notification, I laugh at the name though PSM SRL.Play Station Mobile Sparrow Racing League xD eta Monday!
Curious when my order is going to ship. Pre order since October last year.
I found the external button but this forum does not like my phone and won't let me paste the link to it. I've search external front panel pc...
Separate names with a comma.