Hi Patola, Udoo supports with current filesystem opengl,opengl es, opencl,openvg, wayland! If I'm right udoo is opengl 2.0 compliant! With the...
You are trying to install hardfp java in a softfp filesystem. Ths is impossible, try to find a softfp version of java! :)
Hi, if you want compile modules you have to download kernel sources from section download and then: # cd /inside/kernel/sources/directory # make...
Hi, You can post the result of this command: readelf -A $(which ls) readelf -A /usr/bin/java Thank you
Hi, You can build an Sd card with 2 partitions! Kernel in first partition. Ext3 Filesystem in the second partition ext4 In this way you don't...
Debian Wheezy file system for UDOO About the filesystem: Features: GPU accelleration Gstreamer UDOO Kernel version v. 91 Known Issues: none...
Hi, You can't install these package bacause same accelereted library are already installed with Vivante package. If you install repository...
I run glmark2 glmark2-es20 glxgears es2gears, under ubuntu released from udoo team and under debian wheezy, this image is made by me. glmark2/...
You can use more memory without recompilinf kernel or uboot: Stop boot process by serial console hiting enter button, and then change bootargs...
Try changing bootargs resolution for hdmi frame buffer. If you have the serial console connected you can find this setting at uboot starting,...
Your problem is quite difficult! You installed the crosscompiler but you can't execute it! Try this: apt-get install ia32-libs And then try to...
Yes, if you want to check opengl acceleration or opengl es follow this step: Insert udoo serial console and from minicom give this command: # su...
Hi, If I'm right openCV are openCL based! This platform support openCL so you can compile openCV library to use them for face recognition. I...
Hi, I have successfully tested glmark2, es2gears, glxgears in UDOO! Downlad official filesystem from UDOO website and run this benchmark from...
Hi, With udoo you can explor with X11 or framebuffer OpenGL, openGLES,Wayland acceleration! This platform is very powerfull! I run on X11,...
Thanks!Great analisis!
Hi, which are the broken dependecies? Which is the error that sto the installation? Maybe you have to add some missing repository
Right, you can also add in the file /etc/init/lightdm.conf after this code -> script if [ -n "$UPSTART_EVENTS" ] then [ ! -f...
Separate names with a comma.