I am a beginner in programming. If you have the opportunity to write the desired function in the code. I will be grateful.
I wanted use Grov- Air Quality Sensor V1.3 with udoo neo , but cannot use example from their site ant github. Error (ISR (TIMER2_OVF_vect )....
How save data form terminal in file?
Thanks for answer, but i not andestend haw read from Arduino IDE (what kind of skatch?) In the docs, present script only for work from terminal.
How read Barometric and Temperature sensors using Arduino IDE?
PL3115A2 - Barometer pressure always- value 99.14-99.15 Why? Its kPa? how to translate in millimeters of mercury? Value * 7.5006375541921 mmHg?...
sketch (internal or external Arduino IDE) for udoo neo for bricks i2c temperature EXIST???
I understand I need to perform in the console all the code (from...
sudo sh -c 'echo lm75 0x48 >/sys/class/i2c-dev/i2c-1/device/new_device' ---- Permission denied how to perform under "root"
Hi How to start the script (or program) for obtaining data with sensors?
Want to buy "MIPI 5MP IR AF Camera" and "Power Supply EU" but my country is not in "Billing and shipping country must be the same".
Separate names with a comma.