Re: getting i2c_1 working Well I tried following the manual and if you change mx6qd_seco_UDOO.h it will not boot , so the manuals not factual...
Try google search !!!!! This is what I came up with . ... th-python/
Re: getting i2c_1 working TomFreudenberg @ have you compiled the kernel ? , if I try to mod mx6qd_seco_UDOO.h it will not boot for me. ?...
Re: getting i2c_1 working I think i2c_3 is used for the touch screen?. I tried to comment out the gpio line 422 and 423 and all I got was kernel...
Re: getting i2c_1 working I`ve had both wire and wire1 working on the sam side , it`s the ImX6 side I`ve not tried to getting working yet . I`ve...
Hows that theory going ? I`ve programmed in python using smb-dev library on the raspberry pi , so IF the port is working it shouldn`t be any...
Enter this line by line :- setenv sataroot "/dev/sda1" setenv satadev 0 setenv satapart 1 setenv loaduimagesata 'ext2load sata...
For me I`m waiting for my goldilocks panel to come along , because a 7 inches panel is too small and the 15.6 inches panel is too large , I would...
I`m more of a python person myself . but shouldn`t that be :- double value = 1234.567; because you are trying to assigning a string to a double .
With standards like USB , sata , ide , it`s easy because it`s a full standard and you know that all the connecters will be the same. But with LVDS...
Uart3 ( Linux side ) is what you seeing in the monitor (/dev/ttymxc3 ), so you have answered your own question that you can only see it with ,...
How do you know it`s freezing with your code , it`s not doing anything .
I think the ones from the udoo store are i2c or usb , but from what I can work out 5 pins is normally resistive panels.
Have you a use for two serial port or is it just play time ? , which is the best way to learn .
If you want to transmit on two serial port at the same time the same message, just echo to both ports, but I think you are a little confused what...
What are you doing ? , Are you monitoring the Rx line of Serial_1 and echoing it to Tx Serial_0 or are you using a Serial to USB convertor ?....
Hi , what do I need to modify to get the i2c(1) port working on the iMX6 side , I`ve read the manual and I can totally say I don`t understand it...
Re: UDOO - Sheet metal case I think it would have been better if the sata socket was placed like the cubietruck . Having the sata data and power...
What did you use to check the sata is working , sata part ? , ALSO you are on the old version of uboot which may be the problem . U-Boot...
I may be wrong shouldn`t this be :- loaduimagesata=ext2load sata ${satadev}:${satapart} ${loadaddr} ${uimage} Because I would say the $ part is...
Separate names with a comma.