Have you re-pressed enter? ;)
Follow the webpage I gave you (https://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Advanced_Topics/Compile_Linux_Kernel.html) but NOT skip the optional part (...
Do you know how to add modules during make menuconfig? Try adding as module: - DM_CRYPT Prompt: Crypt target support...
http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?PHPSESSID=dgeukn9v1fqsgfhp7ce1fdc662&topic=221979.0 Try this
@DezertRozez I would be very interested to hear if you did it reallocating UART5.
Sure to install them correctly? Never had particular problems with ArduinoIDE.. OS? Kernel?
Did you follow github guide or doc guide (https://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Advanced_Topics/Compile_Linux_Kernel.html)? I usually follow the latter...
Are you programming from the UDOO or an external PC? I've used ArduinoIDE 1.8.1 for months without getting that error. What about reinstall...
Did you try this: https://www.udoo.org/forum/threads/udoobuntu-2-dtweb-upgrade-error.6102/#post-23278 ?
Did you try a simple I2C communication with a sensor first? I'm using I2C on M4 reading/setting time with a rtc DS3231 or reading air pressure...
Hi Alisson, please describe your problem properly before asking help :) Start reading the documentation:...
Me too. All the host is down: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/buildr.ege.io Even the Yocto image for UDOO QUAD is broken...
The solution should work. In that situation probably didn't because of the sensor and not because of UDOO.
I tried them with an Arduino UNO too and they don't work. Probably they're broken..... I will move to this:...
Exactly :( Without flush() the sketch hangs. In my case the sketch sends the bytes but the sensor doesn't reply.
Hi all, today I'm testing a formaldehyde sensor with my UDOO NEO. This is the sensor (https://www.seeed.cc/project_detail.html?id=380) and at the...
Any progress?
Really? No answers?
Hi guys, I'm looking for how to install QT 5.7+ in our Udoo Neo. Anybody knows if it's possible, or not?
Of course, I wasn't clear about that. The not trivial point seems to be the wake up in Udoo Neo.
Separate names with a comma.