oh my! I cant wait :) I'm not a kickstarter, (missed the boat on that) but I did get in on a preorder. not sure where I stand in the pile of...
Just checking to see if you have any new information for us.
little town called kutztown. about halfway between allentown and reading.
nice, time I have, job cut hours, so I need to start begging for more hours. no idea If I'll get them. and I'm in PA, about 2 hours nw of philly.
the irc channel actually has some people in it, not much talk yet, but at least 4-5 people are there at any time.. so come chat :)
I wanted one of those too, but funds are limited for extra fun bits :)
we havent heard anything from anyone in 5 days.. did everyone forget about the udoo?
that may be so, but they can maybe post such on the blog or the twitter.
havent had anything in a while.. Feed us some news! we are hungry!
I just checked, and the source points to the same url for both dual and quad.
sensors, any 3.3 volt sensor should be fine, servos like 5 volts for power, 3.3volts might be fine for controll signal though
on another note, I have more posts than even the owners, is that a good thing? :) anyway! give us NEWS! please? update the blog more often!
its been dry of news lately! I'm itching for lots of info!! I guess to be a beta tester you would have had to get in on the kickstarter? I...
http://www.flickr.com/photos/firehopper/8571797873/ its going to probably go right next to the rasberry pi there :)
nice! dont forget, the chan is #udoo :)
still a 3-4 amp 12 v supply would prolly be a good idea, for a quad with a sata hard drive anyway :)
thats a worst case type of thing. the values I posted was only for the cpu. nothing else ( cpu and GPU are on the same chip) Our values are...
it shouldnt. its lower than the headers.
irc.freenode.net port 6667 chan #udoo I registered the chan for now, I can pass the ownership to someone from udoo if needed.... I cant...
only thing that seems to be missing on that image is the wifi module. since it seems to be a quad board, since it has a sata port.. what are all...
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