Of course we will. As you can see the distro is still in beta so we're working to improve it with your suggestions and feedbacks.
No but i suggest you to ask for it in the official discussion so we'll enable it in the next version: udoobuntu-beta-here-t1445-50.html
I'm assuming it would be possible too. Never tried though. If you will let me know.
Yocto has some issues we still trying to solve but since we're focusing on different distros this fix could take a while :(
salouma, here again: openelec-udoo-t1374-10.html
That's great stuff zhangdong. We'd like to give this project a specific page in our learn section http://www.udoo.org/projects/
Thanks for the feedbacks npg000. What Distro are you using?
Re: I`m putting the bunny back in the box. dantavious got the point, we released UDOObuntu (which is still in beta) to fix all the issues...
I guess we'll be there for the whole event so no problem about the day you'll attend. Let us know though. Ps wait for your case ;)
Didn't try but i'd loooooooooove (with lots of o's) to see something like that. I'll get a UDOO and use it as console at home. AWESOME!
salouma, i guess you already know the answer: openelec-udoo-t1374-10.html Just wait for a stable and performing distro of XBMC. Btw imho the...
Try UDOObuntu, it works way better than the previous armel distro. http://www.udoo.org/udoobuntu-beta-2/
Hi npg000 and welcome. As you can see you'll find lots of info and tutorials about pure data http://www.udoo.org/?s=pure+data Enjoy.
Try to reflash you Micro SDcard with the last UDOObuntu without using the udooupdate and let me know.
As you said, f you set the GPIO in output mode you can set the voltage high or low using echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio40/value or echo 0 >...
Good. I'm closing the thread then.
It's in the faq section: http://www.udoo.org/faq-items/what-are- ... uirements/ we'll add the info in the documentation section though.
Great! Let us know :)
That's a nice wood case. Love it!!! +1 for the access to the headers
Separate names with a comma.