I don't know why they didn't also post that info here and on the wiki.... But they just recently released some info about that topic on the...
Apparently not yet (which I find surprising.) I keep checking on youtube for unboxing videos, but none so far. If the first batch went out on...
Just looked at the Downloads page and noticed the Linaro version is 11.10. Isn't that like 2 years old at this point?
Just curious why soft FP instead of hard FP? Isnt that like throwing way around 20% performance?
usually the ardiuno stuff won't boot properly on < 7V... SO that's probably why they went with a 12V setup. I've run Arduino nanos and Unos off 9V...
I see what you're saying. Ugh... Well, we know there's at least 4500 of us who are getting them! So regardless things SHOULD pick up around here...
Well, then, I can see one of the first commercial 3rd party projects being some sort of power board that you could use to power the Udoo+ the SATA...
Hey gang, So I have a quad coming, but as I'm looking at the board, I see the SATA connector, but no place to get the power for the drive from...
Knowing my luck, my Quad will ship out this Thursday and arrive while I'm stuck out of town in Virginia the week after...
So.... Since the first ones went out on Thursday, I'd assume there will be at least a couple folks receiving units tomorrow (Monday).......
Yeah, but that info is pretty old and reflects the Rev.A boards. One of the things they were using the kickstarter funds for was to work on...
And the new announcement that just came out is that the Kickstarter Quads are expected to start shipping NEXT Thursday! Woohoo!!!
That being said, though, given the USB spec says that each port should be providing 500ma of power, I'm curious as to how the 2A PSU they're...
Getting to see and talk to the UDoo guys was one of the primary driving forces behind me making the drive up to Makerfaire... Especially given...
The demo units at MakerFaire were running Linux on one unit, Android on another. Both were doing "canned" demos (wired up to some Sharp IR...
Not sure if you all got the message from Udoo - For the kickstarters who funded to get Dual units, those will start shipping on Sept 26...
I actually spoke with the Udoo guys at their booth @ Maker Faire in NYC over the weekend. This subject came up and they indicated that they're...
Saw it and spoke with the UDoo guys today @ Makerfaire NYC... They said that they plan to start shipping in the next week or so (obviously to the...
Got to see it today, and spoke with the Udoo guys... A couple interesting tidbits of info... 1) They're planning to start shipping them this...
I'm planning to hit the NYC Maker Faire event this saturday (and hope to see the Udoo running "in the flesh" as well!) Anybody else going? I'm...
Separate names with a comma.