Yes, and set the proper UEFI/Bios options. For more information see here:...
For mobile battery there is no direct solution, at least I cannot remember any user confirming using one :) You can use any battery that is...
According Intel it is compatible (page 74):...
did you look here:
The Debian Image is very old (from 2014) so not sure how well maintained. You better use a Udoobuntu Image (latest released 2018)
There is no reason why the Serial1 object should not work on the Arduino 101 of an Udoo X86. You did crosswire the lines? So Tx Arduino Uno goes...
Why do you format the baud rate value (extension UL)? I have never seen that before. For Softwareserial it is known to be troublesome. Also there...
As long as the I2C sensors dont use the same I2C adress you can connect them to the same I2C bus. No need to use the other busses. Be aware: 1....
Udoobuntu 2 already has a vnc server installed. User @Exinferis was able to use it as a repetier host:...
See for example this: It is a known issue. Since you started with...
What do you mean with protocol? For what Udoo are you asking this as they are all different.
It is a Linux kernel thing. It seems to be related to this bug:...
As the camera can't work anymore as loopback device since Udoobuntu 2.x, it cannot be used in CV....
Does it not work at all or only not in CV? Did you follow these instructions:...
It appears that you have to use CurieSoftwareSerial....
And if you want to connect an external USB device to the Arduino 101 to exchange data with serial protocol you can attach a TTL-to-USB device to...
Did you check the Software Serial documentation?
As a reference you can check the Udoo web conf tool that is made for the Neo and Dual/Quad: In the...
Take a look at this The power consumption of an Arduino is stable on all...
I do not think so, you better open a ticket at customer care for more technical assistance.
Separate names with a comma.