For GPIO you can try the approach mentioned in this post. Be warned as mentioned in the post you need to enable the GPIO's interrupt and unmask...
I suspect the module is not loaded, so you need to: 1. Check the module is correctly copied to the /lib/modules folders for the correct kernel...
The kernel driver should have opened the device, when you run i2cdetect it should return the device as reserved with 'UU': root@udooneo:~#...
After you unpack the tar, there is a doc directory which contains Getting_Started_with_FreeRTOS_BSP_for_i.MX_6SoloX.pdf thats you should read....
1. Yes recompile kernel without module(s), ie if you don't require display disabled kernel drivers and stop lightdm service. 3. You can put A9...
I did some work on this previously, second post in this thread so gives some indication of whats possible. The figure who quoted are...
@Andrea Rovai Unfortunately this seems to show a lack of foresight from the UDOO team. MQX support for imx6sx was dropped by NXP in favor for...
To make your screen work is going to take a far bit of development effort. For ECSPI3 pins will you need to follow the schematics to determine...
Also note the current 3.14.x kernel is EOL.
To build a kernel its documented here , be careful the state of that kernel is unknown.
To test with i2cget you would need to comment out the followings lines in imx6sx-udoo-neo.dtsi and rebuild the dts file. I'm guess this out of...
Well the brick seems to be active because it returned a valid address, the i2cget error is because the kernel is already using the device. So to...
How about seeing if the device is visible when connected should return a device at 0x60. i2cdetect 1 I think the following will only work if the...
I although I don't use the arduino feature myself, I was approached to look into an issue on behalf a frustrated client who couldn't figure out...
[IMG] For those of you frustrated with lack of progress on RTC support, here's a blog post detailing how you can add a DS3231 (used by RPI) to...
Continuing with the automotive theme a novel use case for the i.mx6sx is a vehicle diagnostic adapter. [MEDIA] Here we demonstrate how the NEO...
I suspect not based on the board config file having the wrong accelerometer configured. I haven't tried Android but you can test with your app.
Based on the pictures in the above link your OLED is the I2C version (4 pins) not SPI as indicated by waltervl. I have the same display and...
Walters/Andreas advice isn't all correct (and confusing), if want to run 'C' code on the M4 your options are to either develop your application...
Although reassigning the CAN pins in the dts files may resolve part of the problem, you need to remove the gpio pins on the ardunio side from...
Separate names with a comma.