I'm still a beginner and i want to take it step by step and Arduino is easier and doesn't have the powerful capabilities of Neo and all its features.
I'm looking for some way of transmitting the data from the on-board sensors of Neo to a PC while using Neo as Arduino
so you mean that the serial communication already occurs between UDOO Neo and the PC but i cant use the serial monitor to see it ? And if yes can...
when Programming Arduino from external PC using Arduino 1.6.5 IDE version i can't use arduino serial monitor to see the serial data i have sent...
How can I use Bluetooth when usinn UDOO Neo as Arduino
pins 10 & 11 are switched when using UDOO Neo as Arduino. is there any solution for this problem. Also there is a problem with pins 1& 2 they are...
Is there any way to use IMU sensors while using UDOO Neo As Arduino?
Hi, I want to ask about how to read analog values using python, please?
thanks [IMG] waltervl
Hi, I want to know how to program UDOO NEO using python, please. or any other language
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