I bought a quad udoo, hoping with XMBC and an Arduino Mega create a focal point. Unfortunately, a waste of time money and service. Buy a cheap motherboard, where everything is. An Arduino via the USB port. And you have the same what they promise here .... Promise but can not deliver.
Yes, if you don't enjoy hacking on system software, don't care so much about power consumption, size, heat/fan-noise, etc. but would rather have more of a plug-and-play solution, a standard x86 platform is certainly easier to get up and running. Your post didn't contain enough detail for anyone to really help, though.
Quit right. 1. Lubuntu, the sound doesn't work; 2. Xmbc; ik can op stream, however no sound. The 15" screen doenst seems to work either on XBMC 3. Android; no sound. I'm not a plug and pray adept, but several isues here stick to issues. There is a hugh difference to plug and pray, and a system like udoo. Not all of us are high programmers. I'm a modest user. trying to find my way in the landscape of new things. If an XMBX system should run, as it runs ons mijn (old) raspberry pi, you could make my happy. or show me a decent tutorial starting from Windows. Sorry, but windows is in my home a must.
Hi ivan, let's try to solve your problems: 1- Audio works on Lubuntu, you just need to manage audio with Sound & Video -> Pulseaudio volume control; 2- Sound works properly in XBMC from HDMI; however XBMC is a distro by OpenElec Community, it's not an official distro; 3- Sound work perfectly in Android. You can decide from which port listen sound if you go on "Setting Audio" If you try these solutions and still think you have hardware problem, let us know in the customer care section.
Re: a promissing project ? Hello Andrea Rovai, For LBuntu => Its works fine, thank you very much. Now that I know that the extern audio can work, I'm pretty sure that the rest can work. Sorry that I cannot change the titel of this threat Ivan
Re: a prommising project My goal is to make a system where the an "xmbc" or "open elec" runs. And in the background a domotica system.... But hey, you did make my day, thanks
All the OS that enables videos, like Kodi for example (http://www.udoo.org/kodi-helix-available-for-udoo-quad/). LVDS just needs to configured to work properly, and doesn't have any influence on the OS you use, neither requires a particular OS. Cheers!
Where must I adjust the LVDS screen?????? Don't say in the KODI/OpenElec settings. Pinpoint the place, and Ill try it! Then I would by me such a device: Because I'm not pleased and happy to wait until 2018 fot e Sounddriver.....
Hi there ivan, the UDOO Screens work almost out-of-the-box via LVDS. You just have to follow our guide. One suggestion: next time you look for an answer, give also a look to elinux.org/UDOO Btw, here it is your answer: http://www.elinux.org/UDOO_setup_lvds_panels
Hi there, Well I tried your sollution @ elinex/Udoo it doesn't work, If a follow the rules subscribes on that page. Could it that there is a lack of commands? Such as su or brackets or....
Nice! I tell you this: getting into the Single Board Computer world means lot of learning: you're challenged with lot of fixes to achieve what you want. I know it can be frustrating. But it gives a great satisfaction once you achieve your goal. Happy to see you're not discouraged and keep on going. I would however suggest to try a bit to find your way before asking in a desperate way... Show us when your project is over!
Thanks for the feedback. I try, and error.... It's alwaays better getting up one more time affter the fall.... My android now is working. (My fault Andrea Rovai, my mistake)
If you still have this problem, have you tried to give a look at http://udoo.org/docs/Hardware & Accessories/UDOO_Setup_lvds_panels in the Docs of this website?