I am currently developing a Qt application which has the purpose to be used on a electronic card type UDOO quad. My actual problem is linked to the integration of my program on this card. I have initially installed a linux image on the card, and then created an executable from my application but I was unable to launch the program on the card. I use Qt via a VM linux from which I can start my program, so I think the problem comes not directly from the card but more by the compiler. The UDOO’s cards uses a Freescale i.MX processor 6 ARM so I'm looking for a compiler able to create an executable readable on this type of architecture, but at the moment my research have been unsuccessful. If someone at a track beginning I'm interested! Thanks in advance !
Dear Sassus, if you develop the program on your PC and then install QT's IDE on UDOO (I think it's named "qt creator" - you can find it in the software center of UDOO), then you can compile on UDOO the program that you originally develop on your PC
Hi, The best solution is probably to build an ARM toolchain and to cross-compile a Linux with Qt Embedded using Buildroot. You can use the almost official Linux kernel for UDOO. If you use Qt Creator to program your Qt app, just create a Kit using the toolchain from Buildroot.
Hi, yes the best best way is to use the cross compil tool chain ! But for this you need to build the source of Qt with the arm compiler toolchain for imx6 and most important configure the option to use the hardware gpu ... (openGL) and this is not trivial ! At my work we have a seco A62 that work with qt5.4.1 (image give by seco). The secoA62 is ths sister of udoo quad and it probably easy for udoo team to adapt this to udoo quad ...
Hello guys, Thanks for your answers, sorry for the delay but I was on vacation. I also think that this solution would work however I do not wish to integrate the Qt program on my card, at least not for now. I will try the solution next week and give you the updates. Thanks again!
Some link (for raspberry but it's the same procedure ...) than can help you : https://wiki.qt.io/RaspberryPi_Beginners_Guide https://wiki.qt.io/RaspberryPi2EGLFS
How would one go about doing this (qt cross-compile with hardware gpu)? I really don't want to have to compile on the UDOO, if it's not too large of a issue to get it working on a linux pc setup. edit: raspberry links are probably useful, how directly applicable is the process (they are quite poorly documented)?