Since the Udoo supports 3 outputs I assume it can use DP+ and HDMI at the same time but it is unclear about a touch screen for controls and a DP+ or HDMI output simultaneously.
Where did you download Android 7 for pine? Here?
@Triodefreak @toriless you are off-topic. Please, go to the Pine 64 Forum if you want to start a thread about Pine 64.
Ok. Indeed off-topic. By now it is clear that the board has been delayed hopefully UDOO will come out with a statement this week as promised somewhere else in this forum.
Speaking back on topic since you have abandoned the idea of case that can support M.2 devices I assume I will be sending Dustin some more money for a functional C4Labs case that can hold you WiFi and Blue tooth upgrade board along with a M.2 HD like I had to do with that "other" board which has no case that support changing the SD card other than his.