Analog values to UV index of uv sensor Guva-S12SD

Discussion in 'UDOO NEO' started by Maurice, May 7, 2016.

  1. Maurice

    Maurice Active Member

    Oct 13, 2015
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    I have a Guva-S12SD analog UV sensor, which measures the amount of UV light, and I would like it to display the current UV index.

    This table shows a (5v) mapping to UV index, but I'm not quite sure how to map that to the Neo, I assume that given the Neo's different analog precision I have to use different numbers, and if I use 3.3V I'll get the same numbers you'd get with 5V.

    (Adafruit forum)
    Unfortunately the datasheet doesn't help me a bit, it contains a lousy diagram which makes only a rough approximation possible, so there is no way for me to check.

    If I were to assume that the values in the table are correct, should I only need to multiply them by four to get a correct reading?

    Wikipedia states the following:
    25 (mW / m2) = 2.5 uW / cm2, so I assume that each (2.5 * 4.77mV) 11,92mV per UV index. If 3.3V would be 4096, then each 11,92mV should be 9 (10?) analog values... Should it?
    Last edited: May 7, 2016
  2. ektor5

    ektor5 Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    If the previous calculations are correct, every 11.92mV corresponds to 15 analog value (1 analog value = 3.3V / 4096 = 0.8 mV ).

  3. ektor5

    ektor5 Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Well, they are 10uW/cm^2 per 4.77mV, so it's 0.477mV per 1uW/cm^2.

    So I think it's 2.5 * 0.477mV = 1.1925 mV -> ~1.48 analog values.
    Andrea Rovai and Maurice like this.

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