Received my Ultra board and installed Windows 10 and Ubuntu on two partitions on my SSD. My concern is with Android-x86_64-6.0-r3, I cannot install it to 32Gb eMMC for some reason. I can run it straight from Micro-SD card. But I'm not sure I'm doing things right with installing to the eMMC. Appreciate it if someone can point me to documentation that can rectify these to issues or explain it here. Thanks
Not that I can help you but it would help if you explain what steps you took to install and were it fails. Did you remove the existing partition on the eMMC?
No I did not remove the eMMC partition so I will give that try. I will post details shortly if install fails again.
I installed android onto my udoo x86. when i switch on again it says no source to reboot... someone help me