I've seen this same issue in several different flavors. The solutions posted however either have nothing to do with my issue or there is simply no solution posted at all. Apache Nifi 1.5 Java JDK 9.0.4 - Is this version supported by NiFi? JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.4 I had an idea that perhaps Apache NiFi doesn't work with JDK version 9.0.4 however I am unable to find any documentation that states what version of JDK Apache NiFi is compatible with and so my assumption is that it doesn't matter. From what I can see in the nifi-app.log and the nifi-bootstrap.log files have Warnings and Errors all related to 'Permissions'. Another possible cause (guessing) could be the due to the security properties in the nifi.properties file. I have set the nifi.sensitive.propr.keyhowever I see another attribute that I did not set: nifi.sensitive.props.key.protected.