Caroguimus9 - Experiment n. 3 (UdooX86 Ultra) successfully realized in Sapienza University of Rome

Discussion in 'UDOO X86' started by stecolumna, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. stecolumna

    stecolumna UDOOer

    May 20, 2016
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    Dear all,

    I have the pleasure to announce you that my Museology and Museum Robotics'Course - Experiment n. 3 (UdooX86 Ultra) of connection of the UdooX86 Ultra provided of 5 GNU Linux OS and 1 Unix FreeBSD OS to the video projector of the classroom III of Sapienza University Department of Art History and Spectacle using ad adapter HDMI to VGA has perfectly succeeded to the first attempts with the operational systems from me pre-installed.

    The UdooX86 Forum was thanked for the assistance to me provided by Users and Moderators.

    CaroGuimus9 - Robotic Dog Museum Guide for Blind Children (and Adults) - Research Group activated June 14th 2016 at the Teaching of Museology and Art Critic and Restoration of Dr. Prof. Stefano Colonna Ph.D.
    Confirmed Researcher and Adjunct Professor - Sapienza University of Rome - Faculty of Letter and Philosophy - Department of Art History and Spectacle.

    CaroGuimus9 is a philantropic project "open" class
    Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Corrado Maltese.

    english language

    italian language

    Here the PDF with the Report of the Experiment n. 3 in italian language
    waltervl, Laura and LDighera like this.

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