Hello, I use the Udoo x86 on Ubuntu 16.04 and I realized it takes 7 seconds for the curie to power ON. Then it stays turned on for 7 seconds and again turns off for 7 seconds. Is there a way to make the Curie boot faster ? And why is it turned off for 7 secondes? Best Regards,
Is it possible to power the arduino alone through the 5V pin ? I uploaded a sketch which turns on a led with an output and supplied with 5V it didn't work.
re: power the arduino alone through the 5V pin Unfortunately, no. The design is the entire board is powered thru 12V in. 12V then derives 5V and 3.3V "always" power sources to feed devices which "always" need power. Curie (and other support circuitry) uses these "always" power feed.
The curie has a bug when connected to USB: Leaving the Arduino 101 connected to the PC (as for an embedded installation or as in the UDOO X86 setup), the Serial communication over USB (Arduino Serial Object) doesn't work properly at reboot or after suspend state resume. The Udoo Team has made a workaround which causes the second reset. When the Arduino bug has been resolved the workaround can be switched off through BIOS/UEFI. For more information see the documentation: https://www.udoo.org/docs-x86/Arduino_101_(Intel_Curie)/Curie_Reset_on_PowerON.html
I wanted to be able to wake up the arduino alone then to trigger the udoo :/ Oh yes thanks I read about it but I forgot it. It's very disturbing for me, do you know if it has been resolved ? And where can I disabled the second reset in the BIOS/UEFI ? I don't know which option it is. Thanks
The BIOS/UEFI option is explained in the documentation link I gave you. The Arduino Curie issue is not solved yet and I doubt it ever will seeing that there is no activity on the repository since October 2017 :-( You can try to switch the bios option and see if it influences your application.
Oh yes sorry ^^ I am going to try it and see if the bug is still present. Is there a way to make the Curie boot even faster?
Dont put it off The slow power up is a feature of the Arduino 101: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Arduino101. It will also depend on your application/sketch. Do you see this times when using the Blink example (just blinking the build in LED)? Perhaps you can use CuriePower in your application: https://github.com/bigdinotech/Arduino101Power/