Hello everyone , for my project i need to connect gps to udoo neo and read data from terminal. I try to use minicom and gpsd but it doesn't work. Can you help me) Thanks
I think you connected it to uart_1 but that has another purpose (serial debug). You need to connect it to uart_6 wich you have to enable first with the device tree monitor: http://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Hardware_&_Accessories/UART_serial_ports.html
Hi , i read the answer and so i set the uart 6 with device tree monitor and i connect the TX cable on the uart 6 but still doesnt't work...
You did save the new device tree monitor configuration and rebooted? You checked after reboot that the pins are set correctly? After that did you played around with baudrate 9600 or 4800 or according the GPS baudrate and other settings according the GPS manual?
Yes , did. I saved the configuration and i reboot. The boudrate for gps is 9600 but I still can't read the GPS data with minicom or gpsd from terminal .You can suggest a guide for this ? (GPS works with arduino) Thank you so much!!
Do you mean on a arduino or on the arduino side of the Neo? Does the GPS sends 3.3V signals and not 5V? What is the GPS make and type? Link?
I am not an expert on this but the Udoo Neo has 3.3V GPIO pins so it cannot handle 5V signals. I think you need a voltage converter like this http://blog.sunyday.net/?p=36 I believe you can buy them as an pcb also.
It looks like you have this: http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-_GPS#With_Raspberry_Pi Are you supplying 3.3 V to the board? Why dont you use both RX/TX cables? And you know you have to switch over RX/TX? So RX GPS goes to TX Neo and viceversa