HDD Power Output

Discussion in 'UDOO X86' started by JaredDM, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. JaredDM

    JaredDM New Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    With the SATA power output, what is the maximum amperage output? I assume it's only enough for a 2.5" drive and not enough to power a 3.5" desktop drive correct?
  2. Jetguy

    Jetguy Member

    Mar 28, 2017
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    x86_bottomedit.jpg Correct, also, remember desktop drives consume 12v (typically for the spindle). The connector on UDOO X86 only has 5V output from what I measured on the pinout. In fact, I thought I might find 3.3V but all that was present was 5V, GND, GND, NC
    JaredDM and waltervl like this.
  3. JaredDM

    JaredDM New Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    Thanks, that's what I figured would be the case. As a data recovery engineer, I'm well aware of HDD power requirements. All I do is fix broken drives day in and day out ;). (just FYI the 3.3V is almost never used by HDDs anyway)

    I'm actually planning to use these boards to build some low-cost systems I can use to perform remote data recovery operations on location for some of our more distant re-sellers. If we can avoid shipping a drive from Barbados to the USA and back we can recover the data much faster. The onboard Arduino makes this a prime option as we can use that side of it for things like power cycling the drive, SATA cable reset, etc.

    Right now I'm just collecting all the parts (including a separate power supply) to build my first prototype system. I just hope my board ships before June... :(
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
  4. Jetguy

    Jetguy Member

    Mar 28, 2017
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    Honestly, I think they are on track to deliver. They are cranking the boards out. Now I don't work for them so take what i say with a grain of salt, but on the technical front, I think I have a good handle on the basic board thus far. If you need another pinout that isn't covered or measure something before you get your boards, be sure to ask. Also, I just used some Dupont style connectors on the test bench here to fire up my SSD and CD-ROM drives to get to that 5V. I wish i new every connector model but i'm just not familiar with this type (for making custom cables and harnesses) Same ones are used (2 pin) for the speaker outputs and 4 pin for this SATA power. FWIW, the board seems extremely stable here on my workbench. Not one glitch or issue, USB provides plenty of power, no thermal issues at all. Should work well for your project.
  5. Jetguy

    Jetguy Member

    Mar 28, 2017
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    False, I measured using a multimeter the pinout.There was no 12V to ground on that specific 4 pin output connector. Again, this was measured on a production UDOO X86 Ultra board. I even when as far as to post an edited diagram above.

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