Help with purchasing

Discussion in 'UDOO BOLT' started by Paulo Renan, May 26, 2020.

  1. Paulo Renan

    Paulo Renan New Member

    May 26, 2020
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    I'm Paulo, a software dev. I had the pleasure of working briefly with a couple of udoo boards at work. Thank you for the hard work.

    Apologies if the post is out of bounds or not in the right place. I mean nothing bad, but if it's too much or inappropriate, please delete the thread.

    I got a cousin in Brazil who asked me for tips on how could he mount a cheap computer for him to study, but buying component by component sparsely month by month, as money allows. It broke my heart. I wish to buy him the Udoo Bolt V3, but I would struggle to afford it with the accessories, and hence I come here to kindly ask for support on that.

    I can provide all details you may require, and I'm willing to pay for the board and shipping, I'd like your help with the PSU+EU cable, wi-fi antenna, case, ram and ssd. With your help, I can ship to my address, install the OS (I'd make a nice dual-boot Windows/Ubuntu) and ship it to him in Maceió - AL (Brazil).

    This cousin is 14 years old, and however simple, he has shown some interest in technology and computers, but there's no one there with relatable studies or expertise to give him tools to play with and learn (I'm probably the closest, even though my hometown is about 3 hours by plane from his, and now I live overseas, in the UK). I know for sure the Udoo Bolt V3 will help him with regular school, but it will also open opportunities for him. A chance to explore much beyond what any regular computer I may refurbish would provide for him.

    His parents are lovely, keep the food on the table (cousin, brothers and parents) and everything, and strive on providing everything they can to the children. With your help, I can give that little push to this cousin, that I'm glad I had when I was his age.

    Thank you very much,

    Stay safe
    Zgembo likes this.

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