how to eliminate Android right/sys menu nav bar on 7" LCD

Discussion in 'Accessories' started by frudman, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. frudman

    frudman Member

    Apr 15, 2014
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    We are working with your Android 4.3 image.

    We have properly set up the 7" screen with the Quad and it all works well (although touches are sometimes "touchy!").

    For the device we're working on, we need maximum screen width and height. We [will] have a hardware keypad which already has hard keys for home, back, ... functions. (We'd connect that keypad via GPIO: not finalized yet)

    What would we need to do in order to remove the soft keys currently displayed on the right side of the screen (i.e. the right-side sys menu soft keys)? In particular, do we need to recompile the kernel with some configuration changes? If so, any hint as to which file we'd need to modify?

    Is there a way to do this without recompiling the kernel (e.g. config changes directly on the file system images)? That would be best.

    Our device is also powered (always) and not a cell-based/mobile device so we don't need/want the top status bar either (e.g. battery status, wifi status, ...). Same question as before: is there a simple setting we can change to remove this as we recompile/recreate the Android image?

    We've already downloaded and extracted your source code but at 8GB (zipped!) that's a lot of files to sift through! We're hoping for a general area to focus on.

    [And yes, we already know that we can simulate "full-screen" via programming (in Android) but this doesn't work well in JellyBean/4.3 because every touch of the screen shows or flashes both the top status bar and system navigation bar as it transitions to the next screen and shrinks/resizes the displayed content as it does. This is resolved in Android 4.4 with their "IMMERSIVE" display flag (within the java app) and would work great for us but we need to demo our product soon and were told that 4.4 is not coming anytime soon to Udoo.]

    Any help/hints/directions would be appreciated.


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